Friday, May 1, 2009

The Oppressed Majority

This whole Miss California thing has got me rankled and I can't figure out why it bothers me so much. If somebody asks you your opinion of gay marriage and you answer it honestly, you have a right to your opinion. If the opinion is politically incorrect, it may reflect badly upon you. You may even lose the outdated popularity contest in which you are competing. But, guess what. That's America. You don't go off and become the posterchild for the oppressed Christian majority. I hate to break it to you, but you can't be oppressed by a minority. Americans don't pass laws to help minorities because the majority is oppressed. They do it because it's fair. I guess the latest thing that's bugging me is people saying that she was always friendly to gay people. I think we all want to believe that gay rights opponenents don't know us, and maybe that used to be true, but not anymore. Gay rights opponents may be surrounded by like-thinking "yes men" but you don't become famous or wealthy or powerful in this country unless you've met all kinds of people. The whole gay issue is more akin to men oppressing women than to whites oppressing racial minorities. Men can't say they've never met a girl. The truth is that they just want to keep it a "boys only" club. I think straight people want to keep things boy/girl like they've always been because it's simple and easy. I saw an interviewer once ask a "man on the street" about the issue and he said that when he tells people that he's married, he doesn't want to have to add "to a woman." Well, when you put it like that, what was I thinking trying to make his life so difficult? It's not about religion. Religion is a tool used to justify whatever you want it to. It's about maintaining the illusion that we're all like the majority. It's about thinking we can force everyone to conform. It's about not wanting to be asked to dance by someone of your own sex at the school prom or the church social. Whether you're straight or male or white, you want to keep things the way they are because it's comfortable.

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